To see more productions/videos please send me a message under "Contact".
This bilingual video is part of my participation as main editor and producer for Next Door Solutions for Domestic Violence through CreaTV. I have helped editing series of interviews for people that have suffered directly from domestic violence. This is one of the many results to spread awareness and resources for people that might be living in a similar situation.
I have supported several organization with video production. On this video I created a "Nostalgia" video for MVPNS, a parent-participation preschool in Mountain View, CA during COVID times, launched in 2021 for marketing purpose.

Valley Politics is a TV series produced originally by CreTV San Jose. I was in charge of launching and producing the first 12 episodes earning a WAVE award in 2015 for this show as video producer.
Check and episode here:

Health Trust TV was a series of shows co-produced with The Health Trust of Silicon Valley and CreaTV, to bring quality information to the community on nutrition and wellness. I supported this effort as main producer and video editor.
Check and episode here:

As a Latina, I'm very proud of having put together this TV series under CreaTV's efforts to honor the presence of the Latino community in San Jose, CA. From visualizing the overall beauty of the show, shaping all segments, contacting main guests, supporting our hosts and editing all together, all my responsibilities for this show were done with pleasure to put forward the best of our Latino community in this area.
Check a sample below:
This was the official trailer of award winner documentary, The Shaken Tree, focusing on people living with someone with mental illness. I worked as the main video editor, and it was a pleasure to collaborate and put this difficult subject to view for many. It is so important for our communities to have more access to mental illness/heal-ness resources!
Check also the link below to a second short video created by the same organization in Spanish called "Superar":
In 2017 I created a pilot bilingual YouTube channel called Fresh Stories/Historias Frescas, focusing on short, kid-friendly animated stories to inspire better nutrition and self-care. The idea is still in the air ready for sponsors!
I have created several small animations for kids since 2008 (when my first kid was born and got interested in the topic). This is one sample I did inspired by children Latin artist Maruca.

This TV series, was created in collaboration with Santa Barbara Channels to bring forward amazing non-profit organizations that make a big difference in the Central Coast in CA. I used many hats being the director, producer, and even host.
Check one of the segments here:

This was my first show where I had full control of content. I wanted to bring quality information to the Latino community living in the Central Coast. I had great coworkers that helped shaping "Mejora Tu Vida" (Improve your Life) and it lasted for over a year. We did this effort as part of KPMR’s original productions.
Check the first 15 min of our first episode here:

I worked a few years at KPMR, Univison as main production manager, and Technical Director of a live newscast broadcasted in Spanish. My team and I created multiple local spots for clients, for our newscast and the station in general.
Check one of the promos I did for the station here: